Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our New Motor Home

As many of you know, my friends, we have felt led by the Lord to take our business on the road and travel to the Nashville, TN area. To settle? We don't know... only that we are supposed to go there.

We began this journey last September when we took a step of faith and moved out of our 3 bedroom house with 2-1/2 acres and left behind our dream of country living to pursue what He had in store for us. We had anticipated that we would shortly be in a motor home, but God had different plans. There were things that needed to be accomplished and we still aren't finished yet.

Since we home-school our children, there will not be much of a change in that area, only that we will be able to make history come alive by travelling to different historical sites across the nation and to learn about and experience different cultures. We are becoming closer as a family and are learning to work together, making our lives less complicated; forcing us to concentrate on what is really important, and get back to the basics. Our children are going to get much more intensive one-on-one time with their parents while they are still in their formative years.

Over the last several years we have learned to realize that the family of God is MUCH bigger than I ever imagined in just my little group, and that my brothers and sisters in the Lord have much higher value than I ever considered. We look forward to finding and meeting our extended family, to make long-lasting relationships and share in them the good things God has given all of us, wherever we find ourselves.

This week, we will take a big step forward to the realization of that goal. The Lord has enabled us to finally get that motor home and in my excitement, I want to share these pictures with you.